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e-Gorgias (Issues 11, October 2006)

Issue 11
September/October 2006
Reading Time: 17 minutes

It is our pleasure to announce that we are now accepting applications for the Gorgias Book Grant in any subject area that Gorgias publishes in. For details please read below.

In celebration of Ramadan, we are offering all our books in Arabic and Islamic studies at 20% off the retail price till the end of October.

Our annual catalog featuring new and interesting content will be mailed out within a few weeks. However, those of you who are anxious to see our new colorful catalog, can click here to download the electronic version before it is even posted in the mail.

November is around the corner, so our production team has been hard at work again in anticipation of the upcoming SBL/AAR and ASOR conferences. Hence, we dedicate this entire issue to our new publications, as well as our new extensive list of forthcoming books which will be available within a month. We encourage you to visit our exhibits at the conferences (Booth# 1017 at SBL/AAR) to see the whole array of new books and new series we will be launching. Formal announcement of the two new series will appear in our next newsletter.

  • Recent Releases
  • Coming Soon
  • Special Sale: Books on Arabic and Islamic Studies at 20% off
  • Gorgias Book Grants
  • Reviews of Gorgias Books
  • Conferences

For a complete list of our recent releases click here.

Introduction to the Grammar of Hebrew Poetry in Byzantine Palestine
By Michael Rand

ISBN 1-59333-348-X, Hardback, $95

This book investigates the interaction between grammatical norms and poetic technique on the basis of a corpus selected from the oeuvre of the payyetan Eleazar be-rabbi Qillir. As a basis for this investigation, a descriptive/comparative analysis of the Qillirian dialect is offered.

`Enbe men Karmo Suryoyo (Bunches of Grapes from the Syriac Vineyard) - A Syriac Chrestomathy
By Martin Zammit

ISBN 1-59333-346-3, Hardback, $65

This Chrestomathy includes selections from the best known Syriac authors as well as less familiar ones. Apart from short biographical introductions, the book includes grammatical annotations, and Syriac-English, English-Syriac glossaries. This publication is most welcome since the chrestomathies of the twentieth century have long been out of print.

How Should Rabbinic Literature Be Read in the Modern World?
By Matthew A Kraus

ISBN 1-59333-214-9, Hardback, $76

Through literary, historical, archaeological, and engendered readings, this collection of essays presents a multidisciplinary analysis of rabbinic texts. Such a conversation between diverse scholars illuminates the hermeneutical issues generated by the contemporary study of the Talmud and Midrash.

Man and the Theogony in the Lurianic Cabala
By Daphne Freedman

ISBN 1-59333-200-9, Hardback, $76

Lurianic mythology represents an intensely personal view, in which earlier cabalistic symbolism is used to express new and original ideas. The lurianic corpus can be seen as a metaphor for a relation between man and the deity which is not yet fulfilled.

Literature of the Synagogue
By Heinemann Joseph & Jacob Petuchowski

ISBN 1-59333-364-1, Hardback, $85

Literature of the Synagogue is a three-part introduction to the textual heritage of Jewish devotion in the formative stages of its development. Part One presents a varied selection of prayers and liturgies expressive of rabbinic theology and religious feeling. Part Two is devoted to sermons from the classical rabbinic period. Part Three is an anthology of sacred poems and devotional hymns by the great literary masters of the Hebrew Middle Ages.

The Measure of a Man: The Life of William Ambrose Shedd, Missionary to Persia
By Mary Lewis Shedd

ISBN 1-59333-412-5, Hardback, $68

This book gives the biography of William Ambrose Shedd (1876-1918), written by Mary Lewis Shedd, the wife of his last years. W. A. Shedd was an American Protestant missionary who was born in Urmia, Iran, and spent most of his life, after getting educated in Princeton, there amongst the Assyrian Christians of northwestern Iran.

Jewish Wisdom
By Gerd De Ley and David Potter

ISBN 1-59333-323-4, Paperback, $48

The Dictionary of Jewish Proverbs offers the reader a most comprehensive insight into the world of Jewish wisdom. It comes in the form of an A-Z Dictionary and represents probably the biggest single collection ever published, with a total of over 4,000 proverbs coming from sources from every corner of the globe.

A Critical Examination of the Peshitta Version of the Book of Ezra
By Charles Arthur Hawley

ISBN 1-59333-399-4, Hardback, $58

This work fills a lacuna in the literature devoted to Peshitta studies and Old Testament textual criticism. The author examines the works of nineteenth and early twentieth century scholarship in the field, including the works of Nöldeke, Duval, Wright and others, and proposes corrections to the Syriac text of the Book of Ezra available then. The author then proceeds systematically through the Book of Ezra, giving the critical analysis of the text verse by verse.

Missionary Life in the Middle East
By Frederick Coan

ISBN 1-59333-404-4, Hardback, $78

Depicts the life of the missionary in the Middle East during the nineteenth century. The book begins with a history of Persia and its topography and character. Then the author gives a travelogue of his journeys in the Middle East, describing all aspects of daily life. The modern Assyrians and Kurds get a prominent place in the book. The author describes places in modern Iran, Iraq and Turkey.

The History of Yaballaha III and of His Vicar Bar Sauma
By James A. Montgomery

ISBN 1-59333-414-1, Hardback, $58

This books gives an introduction and an annotated English translation of the Syriac account of Yaballaha III, Church of the East Patriarch, and his vicar Bar Sauma, the Mongol Ambassador to the Frankish courts at the end of the thirteenth century. The translation is based on Bedjan’s 1895 edition of the Syriac text (also available from Gorgias Press). In addition to the translation, James A. Montgomery, the editor of this volume, gives a survey of the Mongols and their relations to the West, and a brief history of the ‘Nestorian’ Church.

The Book of the Bee
By Solomon of Akhlat

ISBN 1-59333-402-8, Hardback, $78

a collection of theological and historical texts compiled by Solomon of Akhlat in the thirteenth century. The book consists of 55 chapters discussing various topics including the creation, heaven and earth, the angels, darkness, paradise, Old Testament patriarchs, New Testament events, lists of kings and patriarchs, and the final day of resurrection. This edition, edited by E. A. W. Budge, gives the original Syriac text with an English translation. The edition also includes an extract from the Arabic version of the same text.

The Tragedy of the Assyrians
By R. S. Stafford

ISBN 1-59333-413-3, Hardback, $68

The Tragedy of the Assyrians depicts the massacres that befell the Assyrian in Iraq in 1933, following their uprooting from their homelands during World War I.

History of the Syrian Nation and the Old Evangelical-Apostolic Church of the East
By George David Malech

ISBN 1-59333-408-7, Hardback, $78

This book is the first account written in English on the history of the Church of the East by one of its own adherents. The basis of the book is a history that was written in Assyrian (Neo-Aramaic) by Shamasha George David Malech (1837-1909).

Christians Under the Crescent in Asia
By E. L. Cutts

ISBN 1-59333-405-2, Hardback, $78

An account of a journey among the Assyrians in Turkey and Persia in 1876. The author, Edward L. Cutts, was sent on a mission of inquiry by the Archbishop of Canterbury in response to petitions from Assyrians to the Church of England requesting the establishment of a mission to open schools among them in order to bring about their educational and spiritual renewal.

The Catholicos of the East and His People
By William Henry Browne Maclean, Arthur John

ISBN 1-59333-403-6, Hardback, $78

Describes the life and customs, both ancient and modern, of the modern Assyrians (“Nestorians”) who formed in the nineteenth century a remarkable outpost of Christianity in the Middle East. The authors rely in their descriptions on the Sunhadus, or Book of Canon Law, which governs that Church even today.

Simple and Bold: Ephrem’s Art of Symbolic Thought By Kees den Biesen
This study explores the literary, intellectual and theological mechanisms at work in the writings of Ephrem the Syrian, with the specific aim of identifying the exact nature of Ephrem’s “symbolic thought” and evaluating its overall contemporary relevance.
ISBN 1-59333-397-8, Hardback, $78

Thomas Allom's Constantinople and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor By Mark Wilson
Allom traveled through Constantinople, Bursa, and the Aegean region making drawings. Allom’s scenic portraiture, paired with descriptive commentary by Robert Walsh, is a cultural, historical, and artistic treasure of great interest to contemporary travelers and readers.
ISBN 1-59333-139-8, Hardback, $129

Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures By Ehud Ben Zvi
This volume incorporates all the articles and reviews published from 1996 to 2003 in the Journal of Hebrew Scriptures.
ISBN 1-59333-310-2, Hardback, $145

Massacres, Resistance, Protectors: Muslim-Christian Relations in Eastern Anatolia during World War I By David Gaunt
This pioneering historical investigation of the genocide of the Assyrian, Chaldean, and Syrian Christians of Upper Mesopotamia during World War I uses primary sources of Turkish, Russian, German, French, and Arabic origin, and oral histories by survivors and their descendants.
ISBN 1-59333-301-3, Paperback, $48

The Earliest Life of Christ Ever Compiled from the Four Gospels By J Hamlyn Hill
In the second century, well before the ‘canonical’ gospels took their present form, Tatian wove from the four gospels and one or more Judaic-Christian gospel, one harmonized account of the life of Christ, the Diatessaron. The Earliest Life of Christ is an English translation of the Diatessaron based on the Arabic version, itself a translation from the lost Syriac.
ISBN 1-59333-477-X, Hardback, $54

An Introduction to Syriac Studies By Sebastian Brock
Primarily intended as a handbook for the student embarking on the field of Syriac studies, this Introduction should also prove a very useful resource for scholars working in adjacent fields who need to make use of Syriac materials.
ISBN 1-59333-349-8, Paperback, $29

The Bible in the Syriac Tradition (English Version) By Sebastian Brock
This is an introduction to the Syriac versions of the Bible, with chapters on the manuscript tradition, the main editions, commentaries, and various aspects of the ways the Bible was interpreted and used in the Syriac literary and liturgical tradition.
ISBN 1-59333-300-5, Paperback, $29

Jesus: A New Biography By Shirley Jackson Case
In the present climate of interest concerning the real Jesus, Case's 1927 study represents a vital contribution in the first quest for the historical Jesus. Often overlooked, this important volume is at last available to researchers in the current quest for Jesus, as well as those interested in the role of the Chicago School in that quest. Case avoids supernatural explanations as he deftly sketches the social contexts of what can be known of the historical Jesus.
ISBN 1-59333-475-3, Hardback, $58

Century Dictionary By William Dwight Whitney (ed)
The Century Dictionary and Cyclopaedia, edited by William Dwight Whitney and Benjamin E. Smith, comprises thirteen volumes, including over 500,000 defined terms, two volumes of concise encyclopedic entries, and a world atlas. The Century Dictionary contains full, accurate, and clear definitions, and its many supporting quotations are chosen to illustrate, where helpful, the typical uses of a word or sense. Whitney, who is still regarded as the greatest American linguist of his time, gathered together a remarkable staff of general and specialist editors, which included many luminaries of American scholarship to compile this beautiful dictionary.
ISBN 1-59333-375-7, Hardback, $1000

American Missionary Memorial, Including Biographical and Historical Sketches By H W Pierson
This book traces the history of American foreign missions of all denominations. Following a historical survey of the missionary activities, the author gives the biographies and works of twenty-nine men and women missionaries. Included are numerous portraits.
ISBN 1-59333-478-8, Hardback, $65

Offices from the Service-Books of the Holy Eastern Church By Richard Frederick Littledale
This important volume remains a valuable aid to scholars seeking a basic knowledge of Eastern Orthodox rites. A selection of offices, especially those under theological controversy in their time, is presented in the original Greek. Littledale's translation into English assists the reader in comparing the offices to those of the Anglican Church. A series of extensive notes provide useful additional information at several points in the offices. Also included is a useful glossary defining specialized Greek liturgical terms. Richard Frederick Littledale (1833-1890) was born and educated in Dublin. As a priest in the Tractarian tradition of the Church of England, he had a keen interest in the liturgies of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Littledale was also a noted hymn writer and translator.
ISBN 1-59333-476-1, Hardback, $58

A Residence of Eight Years in Persia among the Nestorian Christians with Notices of the Muhammedans By Justin Perkins
Gives a travelogue and a journal of his missionary activities in the Middle East between 1834 and 1841, primarily with the Church of the East.
ISBN 1-59333-410-9, Hardback, $78

In Celebration of Ramadan, Gorgias Press is offering all books in Arabic and Islamic studies category at 20% off the list price.

Gorgias Press is committed to making your scholarly experience an affordable one. During the month of October, you can buy any book in the Arabic and Islamic studies category at 20% off the list price including our best sellers listed below.

The sale is valid for online orders only. Use coupon code: 0610RSFO31 during check out. Hurry, sale ends October 31.

Only online orders, paid by credit card are eligible. Sale ends October 31, 2006. All sales are final (no returns).

Al-Tabari's Annals of the Apostles and Kings: A Critical Edition
By Abu Ja`far Mohammad ibn Jarir Al-Tabari

ISBN 1-59333-299-8, Hardback, $1380

This work covers the history of the world form the earliest period of the patriarchs, prophets, and rules down to July 915. It includes the histories of the Sasanian period, the Prohet Muhammad and the first four caliphs, the Umaiyads, and the Abbasids.

History of Syria, Including Lebanon and Palestine
By Philip K Hitti

ISBN 1-59333-119-3, Hardback, $88

Hitti has written a brilliant history of the land into which more historical and cultural events were crowded into, than any area of equal size. For, Syria, has invented and transmitted to mankind such benefits as monotheistic religion, philosophy, law, trade, agriculture, and our alphabet.

The Syrians in America
By Philip K Hitti

ISBN 1-59333-176-2, Hardback, $48

This is the first academic study to discuss the immigration of Arabs to the U.S. Hitti describes the social and educational conditions of the immigrants and the religious problems and issues that arose as a result. An appendix is given listing the various religious communities in the U.S.

Iraq After The Muslim Conquest
By Michael G Morony

ISBN 1-59333-315-3, Hardback, $95

Morony compares conditions in late Sasanian and early Islamic Iraq in the seventh century AD and depicts both the emergence of a local form of Islamic society, and the interaction of Muslim conquerors from Arabia with the native population.

The Origins of the Islamic State
By abu-l 'Abbas Ahmad ibn-jabir Al-Baladhuri

ISBN 1-931956-63-4, Paperback, $48

This book is one of the most reliable sources on the beginnings of Islamic statehood. It covers the wars of Prophet Muhammad, the ridda wars, the conquests of Syria, Armenia, Egypt, and the Maghrib, and lastly, the occupation of Iraq and Persia.

Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam
By Patricia Crone

ISBN 1-59333-102-9, Hardback, $68

Patricia Crone reassesses one of the most widely accepted dogmas in contemporary accounts of the beginnings of Islam: the supposition that Mecca was a trading center. In addition, she seeks to elucidate sources on which we should reconstruct our picture of the birth of the new religion in Arabia.

Hispano-Arabic Poetry: A Student Anthology
By J T Monroe

ISBN 1-59333-115-0, Paperback, $48

An anthology of texts of Hispano-Arabic poems of exceptionally high literary quality and cultural significance. The texts are accompanied by literal translations and explanatory notes for the use of students of Arabic and Romance literatures.

The Book of Religious and Philosophical Sects
By Muhammad Al-Shahrastani

ISBN 1-931956-83-9, Paperback, $48

This monumental work, by the twelfth century historian of religious and philosophical doctrines, aspired to present "the doctrinal opinions of all the world's people," i.e. to reveal the entirety of religions and philosophies, past or present.

Techniques of Teaching Comparative Pronunciation in Arabic and English
By Edward Odisho

ISBN 1-59333-173-8, Paperback, $45

The book is designed for Arabic-speaking students of English and English-speaking students of Arabic. It is based on a cognitive approach to teaching pronunciation. As a general demonstration of the approach, the book highlights techniques for teaching some of the most challenging sounds and sound phenomena in both Arabic and English.

The Seven Poems Suspended from the Temple at Mecca
By F E Johnson

ISBN 1-931956-80-4, Paperback, $38

A collection of seven pre-Islamic Arabic poems, the Mu`llaqat form the most celebrated forms of poetry. A tool for students of Arabic literature, this book gives the Arabic text, a literal translation of these poems, and a commentary.

The History of the Saracens (Arabs)
By S Ockley

ISBN 1-59333-151-7, Hardback, $76

Upon its first publication, this work was received by scholars with marked approbation, as the most complete and authentic account of the Arabian Prophet and his successors, which had yet been given to the world. It continues to be regarded as the standard history of this eventful period.

Now Accepting Applications for the Gorgias Book Grants


In its efforts to promote education, Gorgias Press offers outstanding graduate students grants in the form of Gorgias Press publications. Grants consist of books in the value of $500.00 per grant. Each year, two grants are distributed.

  • 2006-2007 Grant Field: Any field within the scope of Gorgias Publications
  • Application Deadline: January 30, 2007
  • Grant Date: February 2007


Candidate must be enrolled in a graduate program (Master's or Ph.D.) in an accredited university or an institution of learning in the field of the grant (to see category listing of Gorgias publications click here). Candidate must have the equivalent of a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Application Process

Send by mail the following items to: Gorgias Press LLC, Book Grants Program, 46 Orris Ave., Piscataway, NJ 08854. (All documents, apart from official transcripts, must be in English.)

  • A letter indicating your interests in your field.
  • A two-page description of your thesis, or a one-page description of your course work in the case of course-based programs.
  • Official transcripts of the previous 2 years of university education.
  • Two letters of recommendations from professors familiar with your work (one must be your current supervisor in the field of the grant).

Each application is evaluated based on content, originality and academic achievements. Previous grant awardees are inelligible. Click here to go to the grant page on our website.

Review of Bregman's The Tanhuma-Yelammedenu Literature by W. David Nelson of Brite Divinity School

“In the entire corpus of Rabbinic texts, The Tanhuma-Yelammedenu Literature stands apart in terms of its complexity of its state of preservation... The most impressive accomplishment of this seminal work is that it not only renders transparent comprehensible and manageable this mass of attestation for the Tanhuma-Yelammedenu Literature, but also provides challenging theories for the literary changes in the corpus as evidenced throughout its developmental history...
The work is an important and consequential contribution, and is of great value to trained scholars and students of Jewish interpretive literature. It is a requisite holding for Judaica libraries.”

W. David Nelson, Texas Christian University- Brite Divinity School Religious Studies Review (2005, v. 31, no. 3,4, pp. 214-215)

The Tanhuma-Yelammedenu Literature: Studies in the Evolution of the Versions
By Marc Bregman

ISBN 1-59333-095-2, Paperback, $68

This study of Tanhuma-Yelammedenu midrash includes: survey of previous research, catalogue of textual witnesses and general conclusions about the multifaceted evolution of this important genre of midrashic literature.

Gorgias Press at Conferences

Gorgias Press will be exhibiting at the following conferences. Visit our book exhibit to receive conference discount on all our books.

Third Annual Pappas Patristics Conference
October 12-14, 2006, Pappas Patristics Institute of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA

American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) Annual Meeting
November 15-18, 2006 Capital Hilton, Washington D.C.

American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature (AAR/SBL) Annual Meeting
November 18-21, 2006 in Washington, DC, Booth # 1017.

Pappas Conference Report

Pappas Patristic Institute's third annual conference on “Evil and Suffering in the Patristic Period” is taking place now between October 12-14. Gorgias president, George Kiraz has set up our display and conference participants are already eagerly browsing through our publications. Dr. Bruce Beck and rest of the organizers at Pappas, in appreciation of publishers' contribution to religious scholarship have organized a Publishers Spotlight Reception on Friday evening between 7:00 and 7:30, just prior to the plenary paper. Dr. Beck and the conference participants are excited about the response to this year's call for papers which resulted in organization of 6 plenary session presentations, and 24 papers.

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