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Aho Shemunkasho

Aho Shemunkasho ist Universitätsassistent am Fachbereich Bibelwissenschaft und Kirchengeschichte der Universität Salzburg. Er absolvierte das Studium der Theologie in Paderborn, der Syrologie und das Doktorratsstudium mit dem Thema „Healing in the Theology of St. Ephrem“ (Gorgias Press 2002) bei Sebastian Brock in Oxford. Ab 2000 arbeitete Shemunkasho als Religionslehrer und Koordinator der syr.-orth. Religionslehrer von Nordrhein-Westfalen, lehrte am Theologischen Seminar St. Jakob von Sarugh Warburg, und war wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Forschungsprojekt „Polyglotter Studientext zu Ben Sira“ (Universität Salzburg).

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Picture of Konsekration und Konsekrationsgeschehen in der Syrischen eucharistischen Anaphora und in der Liturgi

Konsekration und Konsekrationsgeschehen in der Syrischen eucharistischen Anaphora und in der Liturgi

ISBN: 978-1-4632-4259-6
Am Beispiel der Initiationssakramente (Taufe, Firmung, Eucharistiefeier) und der Priesterweihe wird einerseits die Konsekration der Materie (Wasser, Myronöl, Brot und Wein) und des Empfängers dargestellt, anderseits das Konsekrationsgeschehen der einzelnen liturgischen Vollzüge nach der syrisch antiochenischen Liturgie miteinander verglichen, analysiert und kommentiert.
$123.00 (USD) $73.80 (USD)
Picture of John of Dara On the Resurrection of Human Bodies

John of Dara On the Resurrection of Human Bodies

Edited and Translated by Aho Shemunkasho
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4225-1
An edition and translation of the four treatises of John of Dara (d. 860) On the Resurrection of Human Bodies.
$165.00 (USD) $99.00 (USD)

Healing in the Theology of Saint Ephrem

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0390-0
Ephrem, the most celebrated writer of the Syriac Church, presents a wide range of theological themes and images that are characteristic of fourth-century Syrian Christianity. A significant theme that no one has yet studied in Ephrem is the concept of sickness and healing. This book presents the significance of healing theology and the ways in which the healing of man - spiritually, mentally, and corporally - is highly valued by Ephrem. The main part of the book deals with the causes of spiritual sickness and the process of healing, and the way in which Ephrem places them in the divine history of salvation.
$151.00 (USD)

Jacob of Serugh and His Influence on John of Dara as Exemplified by the Use of Two Verse-Homilies

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 1049
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0097-8
Some of John of Dara’s 9th century treatises survive in Codex 356 in Mardin, in which Jacob of Serugh is called “Jacob of Batnan”, “Jacob”, and titles of respect. This article describes Jacob’s significant influence, comparing two-verse homilies in detail.
$39.00 (USD) $23.40 (USD)
Picture of Healing in the Theology of Saint Ephrem

Healing in the Theology of Saint Ephrem

ISBN: 1-59333-156-8
Ephrem, the most celebrated writer of the Syriac Church, presents a wide range of theological themes and images that are characteristic of fourth-century Syrian Christianity. A significant theme that no one has yet studied in Ephrem is the concept of sickness and healing. This book presents the significance of healing theology and the ways in which the healing of man - spiritually, mentally, and corporally - is highly valued by Ephrem. The main part of the book deals with the causes of spiritual sickness and the process of healing, and the way in which Ephrem places them in the divine history of salvation.
$207.00 (USD) $124.20 (USD)