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Analecta Gorgiana

Analecta Gorgiana is a collection of long essays and short monographs which are consistently cited by modern scholars but previously difficult to find because of their original appearance in obscure publications. Carefully selected by a team of scholars based on their relevance to modern scholarship, these essays can now be fully utilized by scholars and proudly owned by libraries.

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Picture of The Descent of Christ in the Odes of Solomon

The Descent of Christ in the Odes of Solomon

ISBN: 978-1-59333-866-4
This title explores the implications of the Descent of Christ in the twenty-third Ode in regards to astrology and Gnostic thought and supports the thesis of the author’s earlier work that the Odes emerged from a Judaeo-Christian, Mesopotamian setting.
Picture of Das Sendschreiben des Patriarchen Barschuschan an den Catholicus der Armenier

Das Sendschreiben des Patriarchen Barschuschan an den Catholicus der Armenier

The Circular Letter of the Patriarch Bar Shushan to the Catholicos of Armenia
ISBN: 978-1-59333-865-7
This work provides the Syriac text, with a German introduction and translation, of John Bar Shushan’s treatise attacking the Melkite tradition, upholding the Creed of Faith, defending the Syrian Orthodox preparation of the Eucharist, and criticizing Armenian Church practices.
Picture of Bardaisan and the Odes of Solomon

Bardaisan and the Odes of Solomon

ISBN: 978-1-59333-860-2
A compelling discussion of the origins and authorship of the Odes of Solomon, this work provides great insight into the person of Bar Daysan as well as the research surrounding the text of the Odes of Solomon.
Picture of Christian Writers on Judaism

Christian Writers on Judaism

Nineteen Centuries of Apologetics and Polemics
ISBN: 978-1-59333-864-0
Geroge Foot Moore’s Christian Writers on Judaism is a fundamental work which majestically traverses nineteen centuries of Christian literature regarding the Jews. This work is indispensable to the student of Jewish-Christian dialogue.
Picture of Bar Hebraeus' Book of the Pupils of the Eye

Bar Hebraeus' Book of the Pupils of the Eye

ISBN: 978-1-59333-859-6
The Book of the Pupils of the Eye is Bar Hebraeus’s introduction to Aristotle’s Organon. This volume makes the Sryiac text available to the interested scholar or student.
Picture of Clement of Alexandria and the Beginnings of Christian Platonism

Clement of Alexandria and the Beginnings of Christian Platonism

ISBN: 978-1-59333-874-9
Casey’s survey reveals not only his adept insights into Clement’s thought but also the great breadth of his knowledge of the Greek philosophers and the early Jewish and Christian theologians in the Roman Empire.
Picture of A Syriac Valentinian Hymn

A Syriac Valentinian Hymn

An Excerpt from Epiphanius' Panarion
ISBN: 978-1-59333-867-1
Epiphanius, the great fourth century heresiographer, included in his discussion of the Valentinians an excerpt from a manuscript, of which Newbold here provides the Greek text and the Syriac original, along with his translation, textual notes and commentary.
Picture of Catalogue of All Works Known to Exist in the Armenian Language

Catalogue of All Works Known to Exist in the Armenian Language

Up to the Seventeenth Century
ISBN: 978-1-59333-869-5
This work provides a summary, short author biography, and reference to editions or translations of all the works of Armenian provenance known to the author. It concludes with works of Greek Church Fathers and secular literature preserved in Armenian.
Picture of The Testament of Solomon

The Testament of Solomon

ISBN: 978-1-59333-871-8
An excellent translation follows a critical essay, which argues that the Christian elements of the text do not point to a Christian author, but rather indicate that this work is a Christian recension of a Graeco-Jewish original.
Picture of Early and Later Jewish Influence on Christianity

Early and Later Jewish Influence on Christianity

Essays on Hebrew Influence on Religion, Language and Literature
ISBN: 978-1-59333-692-9
Selected from the essays of the influential volume “The Legacy of Israel,” the three contributions in this volume explore early and later Jewish influence on Christianity. Written by F. C. Burkitt, A. Meillet, and L. Magnus, the articles consider the patristic period and modern European literary usage of Hebrew scripture and tradition.
Picture of Sumerian Hymns from Cuneiform Texts in the British Museum

Sumerian Hymns from Cuneiform Texts in the British Museum

Transliteration, Translation and Commentary
ISBN: 978-1-59333-624-0
Vanderburgh’s noted study of the Sumerian hymns to Bel, Sin, Adad, and Tammuz in the British Museum is an excellent example of one of the early attempts to grapple with the difficulties of the Sumerian language. Each hymn is presented in transliteration and translation, and these are accompanied by the author’s own commentary.
Picture of The Witness of the Vulgate, Peshitta and Septuagint to the Text of Zephaniah

The Witness of the Vulgate, Peshitta and Septuagint to the Text of Zephaniah

ISBN: 978-1-59333-567-0
Zandstra focuses specifically on the text of the prophetic book of Zephaniah. Comparing the Latin Vulgate, the Syriac Peshitta, and the Greek Septuagint, against the original Hebrew of the text he concludes that these versions are interdependent. Zandstra also considers the variants between these primary witnesses and the Masoretic Text.
Picture of The Books of the Bible and the Writings of Cyprian in the Phillipps Collection at Cheltenham

The Books of the Bible and the Writings of Cyprian in the Phillipps Collection at Cheltenham

With a Stichometry by C. H. Turner
ISBN: 978-1-59333-494-9
The remarkable discovery of a fourth-century list of the books of the Old and New Testaments and the writings of Cyprian is related in this essay. The canon and order of the biblical books are discussed and the stichometry of the lists is also explored.
Picture of The Text of the Canons of Ancyra

The Text of the Canons of Ancyra

The Greek, Latin, Syriac and Armenian Versions
ISBN: 1-59333-493-1
Rackham publishes here a critical edition of the Canons of the Council of Ancyra (314). In his comments on the text he evaluates the manuscripts available for this edition and provides the Syriac and Armenian versions for comparative purposes.
Picture of The Materials for the Criticism of the Syriac Peshitto New Testament With Specimens of the Syriac Ma

The Materials for the Criticism of the Syriac Peshitto New Testament With Specimens of the Syriac Ma

ISBN: 1-59333-492-3
Gwilliam organizes the sources available for a critical edition of the Peshitto New Testament. These sources include the major manuscripts, Syriac Massorah, and the Arabic and Persian versions. He addresses revisions of the Peshitto New Testament and how the materials cited might be used for a critical edition of the Peshitto.
Picture of The Acts of Pilate

The Acts of Pilate

ISBN: 1-59333-489-3
The Acts of Pilate is an apocryphal document of uncertain date. Conybeare offers an introduction to and a critical edition of this text based on a Greek recension compared with two Armenian versions.
Picture of Acts of Saint George

Acts of Saint George

ISBN: 1-59333-485-0
The classic hagiography of Saint George is presented here by E. W. Brooks. He gives a critical edition of the Syriac accompanied by an annotated English translation of the Acts. The “Acts of Saint George” stands in the tradition of early Christian devotional and historical records, and is a standard source for information about this formative saint.
Picture of The Authorship and the Titles of the Psalms According to Early Jewish Authorities

The Authorship and the Titles of the Psalms According to Early Jewish Authorities

ISBN: 978-1-59333-495-6
Neubauer addresses the related issues of the authorship of the Psalms and the individual psalm titles according to the early Jewish authorities. Beginning with a survey of what is known about music usage in Israelite worship, Neubauer launches into a thorough examination of what the Rabbinic material preserves regarding these issues.
Picture of Le Testament de Saint Éphrem

Le Testament de Saint Éphrem

ISBN: 1-59333-486-9
A critical edition of the Syriac Testament of St. Ephrem, along with a French translation and notes, secure Duval’s study a place in the literature concerning this document. This historic study provides a translation in accessible French along with the necessary critical apparatus for scholars.
Picture of A Tract of Plutarch on the Advantage to be Derived from One's Enemies

A Tract of Plutarch on the Advantage to be Derived from One's Enemies

ISBN: 1-59333-484-2
This Syriac edition with English translation is the historic first printing of such an edition of the manuscript available to European scholars. The unusual nature of Syriac monks translating the work of the Greek heathen Plutarch give this document inherent historical value.
Picture of Style and Language in the Writings of Saint Cyprian

Style and Language in the Writings of Saint Cyprian

ISBN: 1-59333-491-5
A thorough analysis of St. Cyprian’s writing style and use of language, this study is invaluable for the student of the saint. Comparison with contemporary writers and careful attention to grammatical and linguistic elements mark this useful study of an important figure of early Christianity.
Picture of Evil as Explained in the Clementine and Lactantian Writings

Evil as Explained in the Clementine and Lactantian Writings

ISBN: 1-59333-490-7
This essay grapples with the question of theodicy as represented by the Ante-Nicene writers Lactantius and the writer of the Pseudo-Clementine literature. Bussell’s dialogue with these sources points to the role human responsibility plays in the origin of evil.
Picture of The Epistle of Eusebius to Carpianus

The Epistle of Eusebius to Carpianus

A Critical Edition of the Syriac Text with an Essay on the Ammonian Sections, Eusebian Canons, and Harmonizing Tables in the Syriac Gospels
ISBN: 1-59333-499-0
Gwilliam presents a critical edition of the letter of Eusebius to Carpianus, as well as a Latin translation. Essays concerning this important epistle addressing the harmonization of the Gospels provides a valuable early insight into the Synoptic Problem.
Picture of The Galatia of Saint Paul and the Galatic Territory of the Book of Acts

The Galatia of Saint Paul and the Galatic Territory of the Book of Acts

ISBN: 1-59333-488-5
Ramsay makes a strong case for the southern location of the Galatia mentioned in the New Testament. Using several streams of evidence, Ramsay makes a forceful case for the South-Galatian theory.
Picture of The Place of the Peshitto Version in the Apparatus Criticus of the Greek New Testament

The Place of the Peshitto Version in the Apparatus Criticus of the Greek New Testament

ISBN: 1-59333-472-9
This essay by Gwilliam explores the vital role of the Syriac Peshitta for textual criticism of the New Testament. While maintaining the priority of the Greek, Gwilliam explores connections and disagreements between the Syriac and the traditional text. An apology for the Peshitto and problems associated with it are openly discussed.