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Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Jephthah’s Daughter

Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug

Translation and Introduction by Susan Ashbrook Harvey & Ophir Münz-Manor
This edition of Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homily on Jephthah’s daughter invisages this single, virginal female as a prefiguration of Christ. Jacob also discusses the history of blood sacrifice and on the qualities that render Jephthah’s action priestly. The volume constitutes a fascicle of The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain the original Syriac text of Jacob's surviving sermons, fully vocalized, alongside an annotated English translation.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-60724-071-6
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jan 1,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 75
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-60724-071-6
Your price: $20.40
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Recognized as a saint by both Chalcedonian and non-Chalcedonian Christians alike, Jacob of Sarug (d. 521) produced many narrative poems that have rarely been translated into English. Of his reported 760 metrical homilies, only about half survive. Part of a series of fascicles containing the bilingual Syriac-English editions of Saint Jacob of Sarug’s homilies, this volume contains his homily on Jephthah’s Daughter. The Syriac text is fully vocalized, and the translation is annotated with a commentary and biblical references. The volume is one of the fascicles of Gorgias Press’s The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain all of Jacob’s surviving sermons.

Recognized as a saint by both Chalcedonian and non-Chalcedonian Christians alike, Jacob of Sarug (d. 521) produced many narrative poems that have rarely been translated into English. Of his reported 760 metrical homilies, only about half survive. Part of a series of fascicles containing the bilingual Syriac-English editions of Saint Jacob of Sarug’s homilies, this volume contains his homily on Jephthah’s Daughter. The Syriac text is fully vocalized, and the translation is annotated with a commentary and biblical references. The volume is one of the fascicles of Gorgias Press’s The Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug, which, when complete, will contain all of Jacob’s surviving sermons.

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Susan Ashbrook Harvey is the Willard Prescott and Annie McClelland Smith Professor of Religious Studies at Brown University. She has published extensively on Syriac and Byzantine Christianity, and has a particular interest in women and their representation in ancient Christianity.

Ophir Münz-Manor

  • Table of Contents (page 7)
  • Introduction (page 9)
    • Outline (page 9)
    • Jacobs Exegesis of Judges 11 (page 9)
    • Summary (page 12)
  • Text and Translation (page 15)
  • Concerning Jephthahs Daughter by the Holy Mar Jacob of the Teacher (page 16)
  • 1. Opening Invocation (page 16)
  • 2. The History of Sacrifice (page 20)
  • 3. Jephthah and the War with the Ammonites (page 24)
  • 4. Jephthahs Vow (page 26)
  • 5. The Battle (page 30)
  • 6. Jephthahs Victory (page 32)
  • 7. The Bride of Blood (page 34)
  • 8. Jephthahs Realization (page 38)
  • 9. Justice Speaks (page 40)
  • 10. Jephthahs Inner Battle (page 42)
  • 11. Jephthahs Inner Victory (page 44)
  • 12. The Daughter Responds (page 48)
  • 13. The Daughters Offering (page 50)
  • 14. Death Trembles at her Courage (page 52)
  • 15. Jephthahs Test Renewed (page 54)
  • 16. The Daughters Lamentation (page 56)
  • 17. The Lamentation Completed (page 60)
  • 18. The Poets Task (page 60)
  • 19. Jephthahs Sacrifice (page 64)
  • A soghitha on the upright Jephtha and on his daughter, by Mar Isaac (page 71)
  • Index of Names and Themes (page 79)
  • Index of Biblical References (page 81)
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