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Selected Studies in Ancient Language Lexicography, Linguistics and Translation

A collection of articles presented at the International Syriac Language Project (ISLP) meetings between 2017 and 2020, on the theme of lexicography, translation and text-critical matters across a range of ancient languages.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-4585-6
  • *
Publication Status: Forthcoming
Publication Date: Jan 31,2025
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 7 x 10
Page Count: 297
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4585-6
Your price: $68.97
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The series Perspectives on the Linguistics of Ancient Languages publishes research papers  presented at the annual meetings of the International Syriac Language Project. The papers in this volume are specialised lexicographical studies in Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, and Greek. Several of them concern the lexicography of the ancient Bible translations. 

The series Perspectives on the Linguistics of Ancient Languages publishes research papers  presented at the annual meetings of the International Syriac Language Project. The papers in this volume are specialised lexicographical studies in Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, and Greek. Several of them concern the lexicography of the ancient Bible translations. 

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Anne Gardner

Anne Gardner M.A., B.D.(hons), Ph.D.(Edin.) focusses on Hebrew and Aramaic texts. Her numerous publications range from Genesis to the DSS with Isaiah 56-66 and Daniel featuring prominently. From 2008 to 2020 she was the Old Testament Editor of the Australian Biblical Review and in 2012 she was awarded the Krister Stendahl Medal "In recognition of outstanding research, writing, and publishing in the field of Biblical Studies."

Anne Thompson

Anne Thompson was Assistant to the Editor of the Revised Supplement to Liddell & Scott's Greek-English Lexicon (1996) and the first Editor of the Cambridge Greek Lexicon (2021).

Beryl Turner

Beryl Turner works with Terry Falla in the preparation of the lexical work A Key to the Peshitta Gospels, and is co-founder of the International Syriac Language Project.

Introduction ................................................................................................. ix
Abbreviations .............................................................................................. xv

Syntax and Semantics: Patterns and Meanings of the Biblical Hebrew Verb  .... 1 
Janet W. Dyk

Dependency Relations in Biblical Hebrew Grammar .. 31
A. Dean Forbes

Aramaic Verbal Participles as an Associative Device in the Narrative of Daniel 2:4b–7:28 ......... 49

Stephen H. Levinsohn

The Throne Vision in Daniel 7:9–10 in the Old Greek Version.. 61
Ian Young

The Perfect Indicative as a Rhetorical Device in New Testament Greek ............ 93
Stephen H. Levinsohn

“The Word Will Not Wait”: Specialized Vocabulary in Syriac Divinatory Texts (Hermeneiai) .................................. 117
Jeff W. Childers

Biblical Correspondences to Syriac mekkēl ......................... 133
Mats Eskhult

Qetal (h)wā for the Greek Conjunct Participle ........ 141
Mats Eskhult

The Rhetorical Place of Conjunctions and Conjunctive Adverbs in the Literary Landscape of Classical Syriac ....... 153
Terry C. Falla

The Classical Syriac Particle #!ܱ : A Syntactic and Semantic Analysis ...... 165
Terry C. Falla and Beryl Turner

New Readings of the Peshitta Text of Revelation ....... 211
Jerome Lund

Bridging Ancient Texts and Modern Linguistics: A Syntax of Syriac Objects in Contrast to Hebrew and Arabic ........ 219
Paul M. Noorlander

Reflections on the Syriac Psalter in Light of the Antioch Bible Project ............ 255
Richard A. Taylor

Index of Biblical References ......................... 271

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